Empowerment Summit
CONNECTdmv’s goal with the Empowerment Summit is to create a robust, personal development experience that inspires, connects, and affirms students of color at independent schools. The summit ignites student confidence by giving them the skills to thrive and have confidence in an independent school setting. The summit also provides tips and techniques for dealing with uncomfortable situations and offers strategies for focusing on your dreams and purpose. Events include: “Advocating for Yourself,” “Self-Care/Well-being,” “Refueling: Getting It All Done,” and “Dream Big.”
FREE but donations are encouraged
Join us for an afternoon of fun, food, giveaways and empowerment!
The CONNECTdmv “Be You” Empowerment Summit is a robust personal development experience that inspires, connects, and affirms students of color at independent & parochial schools. Created primarily for students of color, workshops are also available for parents and you are encouraged to participate in the Summit to create a partnership with your child.
Sunday, November 5, 2023
2:00-5:00 pm (1:00-2:00 pm is registration, reception & giveaways)