
Join us by either donating your time or helping us fund a program that you feel a special affinity towards. We are a 501(c)3 so all contributions are tax deductible. Thank you!
To make sure that CONNECTdmv receives 100% of your donation (without incurring transaction charges) feel free to send us a check by writing Tom at Also, please email Tom or Patricia at to make a donation in excess of the above amounts or to simply ask a question.

Give an Hour

Would you be willing to give an hour of your time to one of our young Scholars? Take them to lunch? Visit your place of work? Do a phone or Zoom call? It will make a difference in a young person’s life. Let us know. Thank you!

“My experience with Ms. Tracey Griffin was fantastic! I took a tour of the Pandora building and talked to her about her job, what it encompasses and what she is looking forward to in the future of Pandora. I learned a lot about how it takes a lot of hard work and determination to build a company like Pandora. We talked about my interests and how I can combine my love of fashion with math/technology. This experience was wonderful and I know it well help me as I think about my future. I was so fortunate to meet Ms. Tracey. I hope to keep in contact with her in the future. Thank you CONNECTdmv for the opportunity!”


–Samantha, Edmund Burke student

“The networking event for the scholars was great! It engaged the scholars and gave them the opportunity to meet with folks from various, diverse fields. They were able to see professionals who not only looked like themselves but who are doing well in their careers. My daughter, Samantha, was fortunate to win a shadow day with Tracey Griffin, CFO, Pandora Americas. She had a great visit with her. Thank you CONNECTdmv for providing an awesome opportunity for the scholars with this event.”


–Martine Rodriguez, Edmund Burke parent

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